
Seona Ban Ngufor
City: Dracut, MA,
About Us
Seona immigrated from Cameroon, Africa. While establishing her new life in Massachusetts, Seona pined for the farm she had known in Cameroon. Although farming in New England was much different from the year-round growing weather in her native country. Thanks to the help of New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, Seona planted a seed of ambition in her new home soil. Seona credits New Entry with helping her in numerous aspects of the farming process, especially crop planning, business planning, and finding a market in which to sell her produce. After graduating from New Entry's Farm Business Planning Course in 2007, Seona began her farming endeavors on one of New Entry's incubator training farm sites in Dracut, MA. Whatever produce she doesn't sell through New Entry Food Hub or directly to members of several immigrant communities in Lowell, Seona loads into her minivan and unloads at the Lowell farmers' market.